About Us

Lean Consulting is about the removal of wasteful processes and the implementing the ability to achieve the highest quality delivery and service levels.

At Greenview Associates we understand the needs of your business, having worked both inside companies and as external change agents.

Regardless of the size of your business, we have the experience necessary to deliver sustainable improvement at all levels – from blue-chip global corporations to small owner/manager businesses.

Our Unique Difference – we know from hard won experience that Lean is only truly sustainable when an organisation transforms the whole of their business and that everyone from the boardroom to the shop-floor buy in to the process.

Our practical solution uses the Lean Tools plus a unique combination of other techniques including Op Ex and Continuous Improvement (Kaizen) to instill lean thinking and behaviors at all levels. So our approach can extend to a holistic business transformation through the use of change management processes.

Greenview Associates are Advisory Board members of the International Operational Excellence Society.


Martin J.Green MBA MCMI

Martin trained as a manufacturing engineer with General Motors, and moved into automotive supply quality in the mid 80s to implement ‘total quality management’ with Jaguar. This exposure to ‘best practice’ early in his career has provided an excellent platform ever since.

At Delphi in the 90s, Martin held sales and marketing, project management, customer management and business planning roles, both in the UK and Germany. Key achievements included: the concept for the most advanced modular sequencing centre worldwide; and developing start-ups and offset deals in China, India, and South Africa; as well increasing Group revenues through leading multi-divisional teams.

Then with Caterpillar in 2002, he managed commercial and key relationship aspects of the £200m ‘XPart’ automotive, fully outsourced aftermarket parts business. Then Martin advised Caterpillar on their ‘route to market’ strategy in the EAME region, in which he worked with the oil and gas, technology, construction and defence sectors, as well as automotive OE and Aftermarket sectors.

Caterpillar, as a Six Sigma company, has been very successful worldwide, and Martin honed his early ‘TQM’ skills into training in Six Sigma and realising significant benefit from DMAIC and DMEDI methodologies.

Following Grammar School, Martin qualified in Mechanical and Production Engineering. Then he took the Certificate of Industrial Management and Post Graduate Diploma in Operations Management, finally taking an MBA from Coventry University in 2001.

A career move into consulting in 2006 has provided a wealth of exposure to many different sectors. Significantly, Martin believes that a process is a process, and people are people, whatever sector they work in, and the foundations of lean, excellence, six sigma, continuous improvement, or whatever name is applied, are the same wherever. He relishes delivering real measured improvement in any business.


Graham Dobell, BEng. (Honours)

Graham graduated in Chemical Engineering from Bradford University and developed his career with Mars, BT Syntegra and QinetiQ.

A senior manager within QinetiQ, Graham led executives in strategic business performance improvement and change management. Prior to joining Greenview, Graham was with a consultancy specialising in lean, EFQM Excellence, relationship management and supply chain improvement for the defence, aerospace, rail and nuclear industries, and also lectured in quality management for 11 years.

He has delivered Operational Excellence strategies by deploying lean and performance management techniques on the ADS National initiative, Supply Chains for the 21st Century (SC21), and negotiated and managed the 25-year £5.6Bn managed service outsourcing contract for aircraft services between MOD and QinetiQ, one of the largest MOD contracts and key to QinetiQ privatisation, which utilised ‘Managing Successful Programmes’ (MSP) processes, as a major PPP/PFI project. This included Programme management of change initiatives for QinetiQ in outsourcing 25 sites and 4000 staff from the civil to private sector, and heading leadership development programmes for 1000+ managers through a customer and quality culture, winning a National Training Award for DERA/QinetiQ.

Other facilitation included a strategic supply chain improvement programme between Rolls Royce and MOD delivering a 30% efficiency improvement of Royal Navy engine support services, and consulting with Capita Managed Services to develop lean and collaborative programmes for shared service efficiency improvement, one of the first certifications to the new collaborative relationship standard, BS 11000.

As a Qualified Assessor for the EFQM Business Excellence Model, ISO 9001, TickIT standards, and a ‘lean’ Lead Assessor, Graham also has experience of both private and public sectors, manufacturing, professional services, government and extensive consulting. With complementary experience of contract management, bid development, analytical and modelling skills to assess performance and behavioural aspects to drive performance improvement, Graham believes that lean effectiveness requires both breadth and depth of business experience coupled with a pragmatic approach to lean.