Lean and Six Sigma Consultancy
Discover Dramatic Savings & Increased Profit
The moment our Lean Consultant walks through your door, they will be looking for opportunities to save you money. Our first aim is to find savings through eliminating wasteful processes within your business.
Lean Consulting has traditionally been associated with the manufacturing industry. However, we have refined the Lean Tools & Techniques to become equally effective within the Service Industry.
Lean and it’s derivatives is now extensively deployed throughout government departments, hospitals, military and the banking industry. In fact virtually any business or service can benefit by the reduction in wasteful processes and increased efficiency deploying Lean can bring about.
How Deploying Lean Manufacturing Consultants Will Benefit You
- Increased Profits – Our Lean Consultancy looks to increase your profits without spending more money by utilising existing resources more efficiently.
- Happier, More Productive Workforce – Our Lean Manufacturing Consultants will ensure your staff are part of the lean consulting process. Once staff are engaged they will be much happier working in an environment where their input is appreciated and acted upon.
- Satisfied Customers – The Lean Process is focussed on the needs of the customer and aimed at exactly meeting or exceeding their requirements.
- A Cleaner, Tidier and Safer Working Environment – An efficient workspace will drive improvement through better organisation of people, processes, and all resources, as well as creating floor space and/or extra capacity, reduce or eliminate accidents, increase customer confidence, and many more benefits. Your lean consultant can show you how to manage the whole change process of total performance improvement and deliver integrated solutions in a methodical and efficient way.
- Key Performance Improvement –
- Efficient Suppliers – The Lean process extends beyond the limits of the business and often needs to incorporate the Supply Chain in the process. This usually results in a stronger relationship with suppliers who truly understand your needs.
- A Business That Can Quickly React To Market Demands – Lean builds in flexibility, agility, reduced cycle times, and quicker turnaround times all of which are vital to your survival in a fast changing world.
- A Future State Plan Detailing Future Improvements – The initial lean consultant evaluation process can include tools such as Lean Diagnostic, 5S and Employee Engagement processes, Value Stream Mapping, Overall Equipment Efficiency. These not only show our Lean Consultant where the best place to start the lean consulting process is, but also maps the journey for future improvements.
Our Lean Consultancy has worked with many businesses across a variety of industry-wide sectors and we continue to make step-change improvements through supporting, leading and implementing best practice.
Your Free Business Health Check with Accredited Lean Manufacturing Consultants
To find out more about how our lean consultancy can help you with sustainable continuous improvement, book your free business health check with a Senior Lean Manufacturing Consultant now.
We will arrange to meet you and conduct the health check diagnostic of your business. We will then contact you with our findings, together with our recommendations.